Psychology Astrology

I’m looking for opinipns for an idea I have. Please read all the details then tell me your opinions… I’m thinking about creating an Astrology blog that focuses on a combination of Mundane and Spiritual astrology associated with the Psychological factors in people. By this I mean I won’t be merely describing personality traits, butContinue reading “Psychology Astrology”

Grow Into The IC Before The MC

The IC (Imum Coeli) is the other part of the MC (Midheaven) axis, with an equal amount of importance as the top of the chart. The IC has more to do with our roots and the home we were born into, although it very much does have to do with these things; the IC isContinue reading “Grow Into The IC Before The MC”

Controversial response to Lewis and Tolkien Christianity Argument

I read this whole story. And I just have a question in your own opinion….why do we call God “He” when it could very well be “She” or even “They”? If humans are creators after being created by THE creator, which is all considered to be both male and female, dog and cat, plant andContinue reading “Controversial response to Lewis and Tolkien Christianity Argument”