Twin Flame Synastry Maybe?

So, I don’t intend on making this post in order to decide which aspects decide a Twin Flame connection or whether or not one has met  theirs or not. But I want to share my understanding and experience.

I know there are many blogs on the internet that explain the signs and symptoms, as well as the differences between Twins, False Twins, Soulmates and Karmic Soulmates. I don’t disagree that these all exist as I’ve had my experience with one/some of each. Some believe that anyone can have “many Twin Flames”….but that wouldn’t make the experiences so rare, would it? At least to me that would make the TF experience pretty common. But I cannot say whether it is or isn’t.

A couple things that I seem to notice that’s rarely talked about but seem to be a common theme in my opinion:

  1. The telepathic awareness of Twin Flame relationships.
  2. The Chaser Twin’s vision vs the Runner’s vision.

Everyone has each’s own purpose and destiny in our lives, which is unique to us all. So what makes the Twin Flame experience so important and rare in the first place?

From my point of view, the Twin Flames who have never met will somehow already know each other. More precisely, the chaser will be aware of the other in a ‘Someday I’ll Find You’ sort of vision, and the runner will be closer to the path of where they know they are headed in life. When these two collide is when their realities are forever altered.

In my experience, I was under 8 years old when I had a psychic experience which I cannot explain in detail as to how, but I will point out that in my Natal chart my Pallas is conjunct Neptune with a 0° orb and Neptune trine my 2nd house NN with an orb of 1-2°. My Vertex is in my 5th house square my 8th house Saturn 1-2°. My 10th house Juno trine Pallas trine Neptune all 0°. My Chiron is also square Neptune both at 29°. I had a very intense kundalini awakening which was abruptly forced down by religion by the time I was 9 up until 18. And I also experienced an IMMENSE amount of trauma in my life.

My 8th house has Sun/Venus/Saturn. My 4th house has Pluto and Nessus, and Kassandra is tightly conjunct my IC. At this age I had a vision of this particular person I would meet in this life. I was told that he would be my “best friend and we will have everything in common and do everything together.” After I had this vision, I pushed a lot of my friends away by telling them that they are my close friends, and they are some of the best friends I’ve had/I do/did have….but I can’t call anyone my “best friend” which was always followed by an apology. I have even had people so attached to me that they’d insist I consider them my best friends. Unfortunately, I was adamant about this.

In my vision, without too many specific details, I knew that I wouldn’t meet my Twin until I traveled away…until I moved far-ish from home, and that he would be of a Caucasian complexion. This has nothing to do with personal preference because I adore all races, and I have experienced relationships with Asians, Hispanics, European, African American as well as Caucasion. But I knew that my ‘best friend’ would particularly be Caucasion. I knew he would also be older than me, which he is. It’s not up to me for anyone to believe this, but if there are any of you who believe in Twin Flames then I couldn’t understand why this would get past you…

Perhaps it is the septiles in my Natal Chart. My 0° orb Sun and Venus are Trieptile my Mars. And my Sun and Venus are Septile Ceres, Mars Triseptile Ceres in Aquarius conjunct Desc 1° orb. Do you see the connection?

Now then, I will try to explain this the best I can so please bear with me….

Perhaps being a Life Path number 7 born under the Waning Crescent moon phase gives me the natural ability to feel the 7th division of the circle; Septiles. Not only have I ever had this awareness of my Twin Flame, I have always been intuitively and psychically drawn into relationships which have prepared me to be ready for my twin flame by my Sun/Venus triseptile my Mars. Some of these experiences were extremely traumatizing, and the amount of pain I was caused had hardened my heart to prepare for the separations I would experience with my Twin.

These experiences I will explain in short: I was a victim of long term sexual abuse in my childhood. And when I went into the dating realm, I also experienced a lot of forced sexual abuse. In two relationships I was forced into having sex with other men (at the age of 14) just so that I would become “better” only to be left for someone else simply because she was “cuter”. In the other relationship, closer to the age of 18, I was forced into a polygamous relationship while with a man after we became homeless when his grandmother passed away. This man is 8 years older than me. He involved me in a relationship with his high school lover which both used spiritual abuse to traumatize me and by my captive I was literally under a spell, if any of you can understand what spiritual abuse really is. He also forced me to get pregnant which failed several times as his excuse to rely on money from the government.

Between these, when I was 15, I dated someone for a month, when he was unexpectedly in a car accident that wiped his memories of me and killed his mother. He was in a coma for 3 days. I waited for him, but his memories didn’t return soon enough before he met someone else. His father turned into an alcoholic who beat him and eventually he left the country.

When I was 15-16 I fell for a man whom I will never forget, whose love I feel will always be the closest to the love I have for my TF even though this particular person caused me the most heart break in a relationship. We had an immediate connection. His Moon is in the same sign and degree as my TF. This man I loved for 4 months, he was an only son of three in a traditional Asian family. His mother was very passive but loving and his father an abusive alcoholic. After 4 months into that relationship, I was aggressively and verbally pushed away with no explanation, and in my heart and soul I knew something was wrong. He was so mean to me and hurt me so deeply that after a week I decided to let go….

Months later, I came to find out that he pushed me away because he was diagnosed with brain cancer that he didn’t want me to know about because it would have crushed me. A while after he had been cured, I was currently planning to abandon a short term relationship with someone who was always down talking me and my personal values and beliefs. Refusing to be on my side about anything. And the guy I mentioned before was ready to leave his obsessive and abusive relationship as well. The connection was still there and strong and we fell in love all over again. Long story short, his ex became obsessed and involved again, by forcing herself into his accounts, texting him, sending him nudes, and he was under so much stress at home tha it got to him. During Chinese New Years, his father was drunk and tried to hurt his mom which he got in the way to protect him, which sent my ex to the hospitsl with a bloody head and brain damage which shortened his life span to his 50s due to the glass bottle to his head.

He was so severely depressed and his ex so heartless and determined to win him back, that eventually he told me that he wanted to be with her and they stayed together another 2 years. It tore me in so many ways I can barely say I’ve completely healed from this wound.

I will skip to more recently. After I managed to escape the abusive polygamous relationship, I was sheltered into a permanent living Women’s Home. A while being here, I met a man whom I had no intentions on falling for, but this was the very first time in my life I had ever met someone who showed me so much compassion in my life. He cared about me from the inside out with no judgement and was completely enamoured with me and my imperfections. It was surreal. And his lifestyle and connection with other people led me to believe that he was an Incarnated Angel. His Natal Chart shows signs of this too. One day he planned to go for a camping trip for a week, but long story short there was an accident that left him in a coma for 4 months, and he never recovered and he died. The day of his accident before I knew(which I didn’t learn until a month later) I partially fainted and nearly lost consciousness, and my heart pounded against my chest out of the blue on my way to the restroom. A telepathic response.

I am 20 years old now and have only explained a glimpse of my experiences, but in short I have experienced betrayal, judgement, loss, and so much more. My heart is lucky to still be beating today.

One month after this Angel passed away was when I met my Twin Flame. It was such a scary thing for me to believe that after all the bullshit it seemed the universe had put me through after giving me a Vision as a child, that why would I suddenly deserve to have met him??

It’s hard for me to remember the beginning of my relationship with my Twin. But like you’d expect, it was a combination of Magic and Terror, the universe being birthed and sucked into a black hole, back and forth.

The break ups were intense, he pretended to be an asshole half of the time. Pushing me away the same way that I was pushed away by the man who had cancer. I knew my Twin was running. And I lost count as to how many times we parted before we mended the bond.

It took me so much passion and determination to get through to him…but I persisted. And I assure you it was worth it.

In the end, the reality is that, my Twin had also experienced the same amount of heart break in all his life which is personal to him and I won’t be sharing this information. However, neither of us knew that love could exist unconditionally until we met each other and it was utterly terrified. “I’ve never been this in love before…” he’d say.

Or “I just don’t want a relationship ever.” 

But after so much push and pull….we both decided that we accept that we love each other fully and unconditionally. Believe what you will… I’m aware that some of this may sound like a made up, unrealistic fairytale. But I don’t see why Twin Flames would exist otherwise. Not in a ‘Happily Ever After’ manner, but in a ‘Happiness Exists After All.’

So I will go over the aspects between Twin and I in Synastry and Davision which I believe points so our Synastric connections. And then lastly I will explain the Visions that we share.

Our Synastry:

  • ​My Twin Flame’s Isis is biquintile my Osiris, and my Isis is biquintile his Osiris, double whammy…
  • My Sun sextile his Moon/Venus/Mars/Saturn
  • His Sun conjunct my Moon
  • His Venus biquintile my Mars
  • His Pluto biquintile my Sun/Venus
  • My Pluto quintile his Moon
  • My Isis conjunct his Pluto and my Osiris conjunct his Ascendent.
  • My Juno biquintile his NN and his NN is exactly conjunct my Vertex in the 5th house. My NN is in his 9th house.
  • My Juno sextile his Vertex.
  • His Jupiter trine my Vertex.
  • His Juno conjunct my Vesta and Eros.
  • My Union conjunct his Moon, Venus, and Saturn(My Destinn is opposite these)
  • My Vertex conjunct his Part of Fortune, quintile his Eros, trine his Psyche.
  • His Union sextile my Saturn, conjunct my Uranus, semi-sextile my Vertex.
  • His Destinn trine my Neptune, oppostie my Pluto and trine my NN
  • His Destinn biquintile my Vertex.
  • His Destin conjunct my Juno, trine my Pallas.
  • His Moon/Venus/Mars/Saturn in my 6th/7th house conjunct my Jupiter.
  • His Uranus/Neptune is in my 5th house square my Sun/Venus/Saturn.
  • My Saturn square his NN.
  • My Valentine sextile his Neptune, trine his Pluto, quintile his NN, opposite his Vesta, conjunct his Eros.
  • His Valentine opposite my Mars, conjunct my Eros/Vesta.

In our Davison chart:

  • Mercury square Uranus/Neptune
  • Venus and Jupiter conjunct NN
  • Venus quintile Uranus/Neptune 9th house
  • Uranus/Neptune square Vertex
  • Moon trine Vesta/Juno
  • Moon biquintile Eros
  • Venus conjunct Juno, trine Vesta.
  • Union conjunct Sun
  • Destinn square Sun
  • Valentine conjunct Sun
  • Uranus Neptune trine Ascendant
  • Pluto and NN conjunct Descendant
  • Sun and Chiron in 5th house
  • Chiron conjunct Sun, square Uranus/Neptune.
  • Mars trine NN
  • Venus square MC/IC
  • Sun septile NN
  • Venus/Juno septile Chiron

I believe in Septiles. There’s no reason for these to be excluded if you want to have an awareness of the Twin Flame telepathic connections as well even before meeting.

Quintiles are JUST as important. If you study the energies of these numbers and aspects, the symbolism etc, then there will be clarifications towards psychic awareness and soulmate connections.

As I may have skipped over, it is true and confirmed that Twin and I have nearly everything in common (of course and just as many oppositions), and we do everything together.

His 2nd house Aquarius stellium is in my 6th house conjunct my 7th house. My 8th house Aries stellium is in his 4th house conjunct his IC almost exact. His 3rd house Sun is conjunct my 7th house Moon.

Namely, here are a few things we share in common: His father is 7 years older than his mother, my father is 7 years older than my mother. He and I are both on the Autism spectrum, high functioning. He and I have almost the same tastes in almost everything we eat including foods that most people disagree with us on. There are many synchronicities which aren’t coming to mind at this time, but the first several months we were constantly and continuously finishing each other’s sentences and thinking the same things simultaneously, which is a never ending phenomenon to this day which we laugh about. We have our differences and disagreements of course….our relationship is nothing perfect, we have our conflicts which balance our relationship.

Now, my Twin and I have always had a love for Humanity and a drive to make peace and take an Authoritative position of some kind when we were in the right time to take action. My Twin has studied Politics since he was a teenager and his insights are incredible. He has the intuition of a clairvoyant as well which he has predicted several occurences in recent history, or even something as simple as the genders of under 20 pregnant women before the fetuses were able to have a gender prediction. And he has been right every time.

My vision has always been that we will travel the world together and make major differences in the world. And I believe this is the purpose and power of Twin Flame UNIONS. All soulmate relationships wake us up and open our minds. But the purpose of Twin Flame relationships IS to establish true unconditional love and to project this energy into the world.

If you believe you have met your Twin Flame, spend time in meditation to identify what purpose you share together in which your unconditional love will be spread in the world in some way or form.

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