Hard Aspects Working Together

Not sure if anyone else tries this or not but I will share my experience anyway.
Recently I’ve been really frustrated with the hard aspects in my Natal Chart that just seem impossible to cope with sometimes, impossible to make sense of or to “change” to be stronger. So my idea is to study the signs that aren’t working well together, figure out what makes them different but also how they benefit each other.
For example, I have Moon in Pisces in my 7th house and Mars in Virgo in the 1st forming an opposition..
Naturally, I have a strong desire for close relationships, being close to others, experiencing harmony and making others happy. But I also tend to fantasize and have a bad habit of getting lost in my own mind, thinking about things that I’d love to happen but seldomly doing anything because I just fantasize so much, and sometimes it gets me in trouble.
On the other hand, I’m an extremely ambitious person, I have goals, things I want to accomplish in life and I’m amazing and sticking to them to make them happen when I really put my mind to it. Even though there’s a tendency that I start many projects at a time, I am capable of following through with all of them. Even so, I have a hard time staying present and instead I just stare at the bigger picture and drool over how awesome it’d be, and then often getting depressed because I can’t always find the motivation to keep going, since at the same time I want to be with those close to me, forming more bonds with the whole, that I lose time and don’t know when to focus on my projects.
Pisces and Virgo are different but compatible because Pisces can help Virgo to relax and not feel so stressed out when things aren’t to it’s perfection, and to just experience the joy they have for working so diligently, and Virgo encourages Pisces that their dreams can always come to life, but can also teach them the steps to get there.
So I’ve been practicing working out my differences, because I have a very bad tendency to be hard on myself for not being productive, for getting too involved in my head. When that happens it’s as if I say to myself “You’re not good for anything, all you do is slow me down with my projects. You can’t keep up!”
And on the other hand I get reclusive and don’t say anything at all other than “I’m only a burden to everyone else around me…” Which is bullshit, I just need to learn to work with myself lol.
Instead of this, I will recognize my strengths on both ends, and also my set backs, and find ways to prevent those setbacks, for example, getting used to schedules:
My 1st Virgo Mars needs time to spend on it’s projects and ideas it comes up with, for example, when I decided to study Spanish thoroughly and daily in order to become bilingual and have more job opportunities. I could perhaps spend some time in the afternoon-evening focusing on it, and during that time not on social media talking to everyone at the same time. And for my 7th Pisces Moon, instead of spending so much time talking about things I dream of, I can actually feel more confident in myself when I spend time/talk with others about where I am in my own life. Because without this balance, my Pisces Moon will always feel inadequate and incapable, and my Virgo Mars will always feel like a failure or as if I’ll never get anywhere in life.
That is unacceptable…!
I think I will be posting more of these later. They seem to help me to write it out for whatever reason. 🙂

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