Neptune in 6th House

You may be someone who is sensitive to the outside world and everyday activities can be very overwhelming for you if you’re not given the time to ‘meditate’ in some way to mentally and emotionally prepare yourself. You may have a love for swimming, being in water makes you feel emotionally stable, floating above the waves makes you feel grounded, and floating under the surface makes you feel secure. If you’re not much of a swimmer, then you probably have a natural admiration for rainy days, and in fact these are the days which probably make you feel more energized than sad. You might prefer to drive and run errands in the rain, or simply go for walks. People may assume that your head is in the clouds so often that you never know what’s going on around you on a daily basis. It is true that you may love to daydream, but you’re not delusional. Instead, you are highly sensitive, and you need a gentle approach from the things around you in life otherwise you may struggle to be present without having anxiety and stress/panic. Too much noise is overwhelming, too much activity can be stressful. When it comes to work, chores, responsibilities, you may be prone to freaking out when there is someone constantly on your tail about it. You feel insignificant when someone reminds you to be productive, because you already are, but you need to be in a quiet and simple environment to not feel overwhelmed. But you also have a hard time letting this be known to others because they may tend to believe that you’re weak for having such a preference.

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